
Executive Function Coaching

Set your student up for success in school and beyond.

Our professional executive function coaches support the development of key skills:

  • Organization
  • Time management
  • Prioritization and goal setting
  • Overall academic efficiency and effectiveness

We charge $150 per hour for Executive Function Coaching and offer a 10% discount on packages of 15 hours or more. Programs of 5 or more hours will include family consultation, planning, and student goal setting within the first two hours of the program. We also offer Executive Function coaching on a pay-as-you-go hourly basis. If you’re interested in hourly coaching, please reach out at 720-204-1041 or


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Executive Function Coaching with Mindfish

When we hear “executive skills”, we may think of skills related to being the executive of a company: organization, time management, and planning/prioritization. Executive skills are necessary for all humans, not just CEOs, but our executive function skills are pretty much the “CEO” of our brain: they dictate our ability to organize, manage time, and plan, among several other executive functions. Below is a list of executive functions along with examples of how a teenager with strengths (left) or weaknesses (right) may exhibit these functions.

Mindfish’s executive function coaching aims to set goals with both the parent and student, then work consistently with the student to make daily plans to work toward their goals. We recommend that EF students start with our Initial Consultation and Planning program. In this, the EF coach helps the student design systems and cues to compensate for their executive skill deficit. Over time, the student will use and create these systems independently with less and less input from the coach. Executive function coaching helps the student become familiar with their executive function skill deficits and learn how to create systems that will help them develop those skills.

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