475268009 1749901319075530 95147948606872249 n Casey McKenna

SAT / ACT Prep, AP Calculus, AP Physics

Stony Brook University Grad with B.S. in Physics, Optics Specialization

Casey McKenna grew up on Long Island, New York before attending Stony Brook University where he received his B.S. in Physics with a minor in Mathematics. With his fellow classmates he revived the SPS (Society of Physics Students) chapter at Stony Brook which helps students get involved in learning physics and doing research. He completed three years of a graduate program in Physics at CU Boulder where he took part in graduate level research and taught introductory laboratory physics as a Teaching Assistant. He also has four years of customer service and sales experience. Casey’s interests outside of academia include reading fantasy novels, playing RPG video games, going to metal concerts and strength training.