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Mindfish students now have the ability to take take ACT, SAT and PSAT practice tests online under realistic, timed conditions. Through the tools we’ve licensed from Online Score Tracker, students can take practice tests whenever it’s convenient for their schedules. This is a great opportunity for Mindfish students who aren’t able to attend our Saturday practice tests and those who don’t live near one of our four Colorado offices or our office in Boise.

Online Score Tracker is essentially a powerful digital scantron form that allows students to take practice tests (and individual sections) in a realistic setting. As on the day of the official test, students will still take their tests and do their work in paper test booklets; then, they’ll enter their answers online as they go.

All Mindfish students have the ability to access these tools for free. If you’re interested, please chat with you tutor about setting up online tests for you. Or, if you’d like to lean more, please be in touch at any time.

In addition to providing convenient full-length practice tests, the tools on Online Score Tracker are a very helpful way for students to practice their test-taking skills in a homework setting. The system includes a number of tools to help students work on time management, which is one of the skills that is most critical to improving test scores. Students can also take individual sections in a timed manner that is very similar to the controlled conditions they’ll experience on test day.

As is the case with our in-person, proctored practice tests, tests completed online will generate a comprehensive score report with detailed feedback about every question on the test.

The old saying “Practice Makes Perfect” is a cliche for a reason! We believe that realistic practice tests are an essential component of a successful test prep program and we’re excited to offer our students the ability to take tests online in a convenient and effective way.