College Essay Coaching

Our team of college essay experts is available to help with every aspect of the essay process, from brainstorming to final drafts, from the Common Application to supplemental essays for as many schools as you desire.


  • $199 for One-hour Review/Consult Meeting ($100 credited to future essay coaching program)
  • $1350 Personal Statement + 2 Supplemental Essays (Up to 8 hours of essay coaching focused on Common App or Coalition App)
  • $3150 “All Essays for Up to Five Schools” (up to 20 hours or essay coaching)

All essay coaching sessions will be held remotely via Zoom. Mindfish essay coaches also spend time reading and commenting on drafts between meetings with students. This asynchronous work, like the one-on-one meetings themselves, is deducted from the total number of hours in our essay coaching packages as we go.


Call us at 720-204-1041 or email us at


  • $0.00

  • Total


College Application Essay Coaching

Perfect your college application essays with the help of Mindfish’s experienced writing coaches.

For many students, the personal statement can be one of the hardest parts of the entire admissions process. This assignment challenges them to vividly convey big ideas like who they are and what they value within a very small word count. Adding to the difficulty, the audience they are trying to captivate is comprised of overworked admissions officers who are already reading hundreds and thousands of other application essays. The obstacles to a successful admissions essay are significant, but the rewards can be too. A strong essay can be the “tipping factor” that helps push a student’s application into the admitted pile. Transcripts, grades, and standardized test scores are important, but a great essay can communicate the student’s unique point-of-view in a way the quantitative data cannot. If you’re looking to help your story stand out from the crowd, we can help. Our essay coaches can offer guidance and feedback at any stage of the process, from the very first brainstorming session to the last polish of the final draft.

In addition to the personal statement, many colleges require shorter “supplemental” essays that ask students about specific elements of their background and gauge students’ interest in particular college majors and programs. The expert tutors at Mindfish can help you not only tell your own story, but also communicate why you are the perfect fit next year’s freshman class at your dream school.

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