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Academic Management and Study Skills

Develop Essential Skills for Tackling Assignments, Taking Great Notes, and Acing Tests

What is Academic Management?

Academic management involves our tutors helping students organize and keep track of schoolwork. Often, students have a mix of organization systems for various classes: some assignments are online, while others are only handed out on paper. It can be hard to track so much information in different places on top of various deadlines.

Our tutors help students develop systems to:

  1. Organize their assignments
  2. Keep track of deadlines
  3. Plan their study/work schedule
Mother and daughter practicing academic management on a computer and high fiving
Girl sitting at a desk with open books and laptop, practicing study skills.

Why Do I Need to Learn Study Skills?

Students often know that they need to study, but when it’s time to study, it’s hard to know what to do or where to start. Successful studying involves various skills: organizing the material, chunking it into parts, prioritizing the various topics, and planning when/where to study. On top of that, it’s important to know what types of studying work best for you.

Our tutors help students with each of these skills and introduce students to various study methods. Over time, the tutor and student will determine which study methods work best for them!

How Different Types of Academic Tutoring Compare

Academic Management

Involves going through the student's online school portal, checking on missing and upcoming assignments, and making a plan to complete work and turn it in on time. Academic management is often paired with study skills and academic tutoring.

Study Skills

Includes general, non-content-specific study skills. Tutoring will focus on how to study, how to take notes, and how to take tests. These sessions look at how information is provided to the student and how that student can learn to translate that information into memory.

Executive Functioning Coaching

Includes strategies and tools to strengthen cognitive skills. Tutors will focus on remedying cognitive functioning skills, how students think and learn, and attentional differences/neurodivergences. Executive functioning coaching can be paired with academic tutoring but is not subject-specific.

Academic Tutoring

Involves class-specific, content-focused instruction. The tutor's goal is to improve the student's understanding of topics within a specific class or group of classes.

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