1-on-1 Test Prep Tutoring for ISEE, SSAT, HSPT, & PSAT 8/9

Our world-class tutors are available to work individually with students preparing for the ISEE, SSAT, HSPT, & PSAT 8/9 as part of the private school admissions process.


  • Practice ISEE, SSAT, HSPT or PSAT 8/9 exam to assess strengths, weaknesses, and learning style for any entrance exam your student plans to take (ISEE, SSAT, HSPT)
  • In-depth score analysis for the test
  • A 45-minute consultation with with one of Mindfish’s expert directors to discuss a test prep plan based on your student’s scores
  • $150 of enrollment fee will be used to waive administrative fee for a future ISEE, SSAT, HSPT or PSAT 8/9 prep program


Call us at 720-204-1041 or email us at hello@mindfish.com


  • $0.00

  • Total


1-on-1 Test Prep Tutoring for ISEE, SSAT, HSPT, & PSAT 8/9

Achieving your full potential on these standardized tests requires a course of preparation tailored specifically for you. Given that many students plan to take two or three of these test types, our tutors can tailor your program to maximize your time based on what skills and content are necessary for the tests you plan to take. Because several schools accept more than one of these tests, we can also help you pick which test you are likely to do best on. Our exceptional tutors can design a curriculum based upon your skills, abilities, educational background, and challenges to create a test prep experience that is efficient, targeted, and effective.

For many students, these tests are their first experiences with high-stakes standardized testing, so we help students get comfortable with the format of these standardized tests and the stress that accompanies the testing process. Unlike the standardized tests for college admission (ACT and SAT), these tests are designed to cover material that will be unfamiliar to the students taking them, which often causes high anxiety for test-takers. Our tutors can help your students maximize their scores based on the material that they do know and will teach them useful strategies for dealing with any material they are unfamiliar with, using their time effectively, developing a mistake-proof process, and beating test-day anxiety.

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